Hire Zoom Cashier

Savings of up to 80% by hiring a Zoom Cashier
in the Philippines

Why hire from the Philippines?

tasks & necessary qualifications of Zoom Cashiers

Zoom Cashier job description


  • Assist customers with placing orders and give instructions on payment

  • Be knowledgeable of the menu and help customers with their orders with good attitude. 

  • Respond to general inquiries about menu and products

  • Perform administrative tasks as needed to support the team

  • Work collaboratively with the kitchen, delivery and admin team


  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

  • Clear and friendly voice

  • Strong customer service orientation and a genuine desire to delight

  • Basic computer skills and familiarity with office software 

  • Ability to multitask and thrive in a fast-paced environment

  • Interest or background in the food/hospitality industry (preferred)

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